
Rosanna Nafziger is a queer writer of fiction, essays, and cookbooks. Her work has appeared in Shenandoah, West Branch, Gay Magazine, River Teeth, Tahoma Literary Review, Salt Hill, Fourth Genre, and elsewhere, and she’s the recipient of a 2024 Oregon Literary Fellowship. She grew up in both Virginias and now teaches creative writing in Portland, Oregon.

Rosanna Nafziger, a white woman in jeans and a hoodie sits on a concrete ledge overlooking a forest.


Mortar & Pestle: Writing Food in Fiction and Memoir

From our first sips of amniotic fluid, food becomes our bodies, moves us through our days, traces the paths of often invisible labor from soil to tongue. As writers, we can use food to access our own or our characters’ embodied memories, identities, and cravings. Online class at Corporeal Writing — 4 weeks beginning April 6, 2024.